viernes, 23 de diciembre de 2011

The Poplar:

Trees or shrubs, leaves simple, alternate and deciduous, usually broad and entire margins, serrated, lobed, toothed or festomeadosIts buds are covered in scales. The petiole is long and glands. It often comes as compressed laterally, giving greater mobilityto the sheet. The fruit is greenish in color and becomes brown when mature. Releases many small seeds that looks like cotton balls. Species are light and strong temperament.They often show great eagerness to the water so it is often found next to streams or surface water courses revealing underground. Fast growing and can reach great heights.They need plenty of nutrients. It is grown in wet seasons and move water rich in nutrients.Its wood is of good quality, apesarde be a kind of rapid growth: There are places that grows over 20m3/ha/añoThey are also good as shade trees in parks and promenades.

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